I recently received a letter/email from you all.  What is this about?

The Northern Liberties Business Improvement District (NLBID) is a non-profit dedicated to providing supplemental municipal services in Northern Liberties to ensure that the neighborhood and commercial corridors continue to be a desirable place to live, work, shop, invest and visit.

The NLBID’s activities are funded by annual assessments levied on commercial properties within the NLBID’s boundaries. Your property falls within these boundaries, and thus, is subject to these annual assessments.


Is this a legit request?  How do I know this is real and not a scam?

Yes, this is a legit request.  Check out our About section for more information on our organization and copies of our official tax filings.


But my property is purely residential and does not have a business.  Why am I still receiving this?

Commercial properties, per our bylaws, are defined as any property that is not used by the record owner (as identified on the deed) exclusively as their legal residence or domicile.  In other words, if you don’t live in the property, your property is subject to assessments from the NLBID.

That said, owners that do live in their properties are exempt from the NLBID’s assessments.  However, we require a signed affidavit and proof of owner occupancy (e.g. utility bill, photo issued ID, etc) in order to apply those exemptions.


What gives you authority to levy these charges and ask for this information?

Our ordinance from City Council.


I bought my property several years ago and have been living here ever since.  Why am I just now receiving this notification?

As a non-City entity, we do not have direct access to constituent records and thereby, rely on public records from the Office of Property Assessment (OPA) and the Officer of the Recorder of Deeds.  While we work hard to keep our records as up-to-date as possible, we do not receive automatic updates on title transfers and need to manually track this data.


I’d like to formally apply for the owner occupancy exemption.  What do you need from me?

A signed affidavit and proof of owner occupancy (e.g. utility bill, photo issued ID, etc).  You can email this documentation to info@explorenorthernliberties.org or mail it to 702 N 3rd St #834, Philadelphia, PA 19123.


I don’t feel comfortable sending sensitive personal information over email.  Is there any other way I can prove my owner occupancy?

Yes.  You can either redact the information on your drivers license or utility bill that you do not want shared, or you can stop by the NLBID office with your  documentation to verify your exemption.  If you choose to redact your documentation, please make sure that your name, address, and the date remain visible.  If you would like to stop by our office, please email us at info@explorenorthernliberties.org to schedule a time.


I do not live in my property and cannot provide proof of owner occupancy.  What does this mean, and what are the next steps?

If you do not live in your property and/or cannot provide proof of owner occupancy, then you will be subject to annual NLBID assessments moving forward, starting in July.