Carly Markowitz
NLBID Affiliation:
Tula Yoga & Wellness
1) Marketing and Promotions
2) Economic Development
3) Public Safety
Qualifications and Assets:
With more than 15 years in marketing and advertising, working both on the corporate side and now focused in non-profits I am eager to bring these skills to help strengthen and execute the NLBID’s mission. Not only would I bring years of marketing experience, I am also the co-owner of a neighborhood business and I have been a Northern Liberties resident since 2006. As an active member of this community I am passionate about the neighborhood and creating a safe and desirable place for entrepreneurs to open businesses and for people to continue to come explore, invest and even stay! As the chair of the marketing committee I’m already familiar with the goals of the NLBID and have been successful in helping to move the agenda of this committee forward in support of the current strategy and overall mission of the organization.
After the last year, I believe it is important and necessary to help support our current local businesses. Continued marketing and promotions will provide some much needed support to these businesses by not only helping to highlight the services of the individual businesses but also showing all that our neighborhood has to offer, ultimately bringing more people to the neighborhood & keeping them there. It has felt that in recent years, Northern Liberties is often overlooked in terms of a thriving business district & commercial corridor & that is also something that I would aim to help change. Additionaly we need to prioritize public safety. Recent robberies of businesses and attacks on individuals tarnish all of the above communications & efforts. As a member of the board I will work with & support those who are more knowledgeable in the field of public safety in order to create a safe & welcoming neighborhood to live, work and visit.